How much does it cost the City to contract with Con Fire vs. operating its own fire department?
According to an independent fiscal analysis, it would cost $8,665,357 in FY 2023-24 for the City to operate both Station […]
Will the City continue to have its own Fire Department?
Under the proposed arrangement, the City of Pinole would no longer have its own Fire Department. Instead, emergency medical and […]
Is the City firing all its firefighters?
All sworn uniformed personnel, except for the Fire Chief, will become Con Fire employees upon the changeover anticipated for March […]
Is the City giving away its stations (buildings) and all equipment?
The City will continue to own Station 73 and Station 74. Con Fire will lease these buildings to house their […]
Do the firefighters support this contract?
Yes, the firefighters support this contract. IAFF Local 1230, the labor group representing both Pinole and Con Fire employees, submitted […]