Financial Reports
Quarterly Financial Reports
Financial reports that highlight variances and proposed adjustments to the budget are presented to the City Council for consideration and adoption on a quarterly basis.
2023-2024 Financial Reports
2022-2023 Financial Reports
2021-2022 Financial Reports
2020-2021 Financial Reports
2019-2020 Financial Reports
2018-2019 Financial Reports
The operating budget is the City’s service and financial plan for the next fiscal year; a legally required planning tool that matches the services desired by the community, as interpreted by the City Council, to the estimated resources available to provide those services. The development, adoption, and implementation of the City budget is a major decision-making process with several phases, and each year, the public is encouraged to participate throughout the process by discussions at Council meetings during the year, public meetings held by the Finance Subcommittee to discuss the budget, and public hearings held by the City Council.
Investment Reports
Quarterly investment reports are submitted to the City Council pursuant to Government Code Section 53646.
2023-2024 Investment Reports
2022-2023 Investment Reports
2021-2022 Investment Reports
2020-2021 Investment Reports
2019-2020 Investment Reports
2018-2019 Investment Reports
Annual Comprehensive Financial Reports
An annual audit of the City’s finances is conducted in accordance with auditing standards generally accepted in the United States of America and the standards applicable to financial audits contained in Government Auditing Standards, issued by the Comptroller General of the United States. The City prepares an Annual Comprehensive Financial Report (ACFR) which includes all aspects of the City and its component units if applicable. Component units are legally separate entities for which the primary government is financially accountable. Blended component units, although legally separate entities are, in substance, part of the City’s operations and data from these units are combined with data from the City. Discreetly presented component units are reported in a separate column in the basic financial statements to emphasize their separateness from the City. The Successor Agency to the Pinole Redevelopment Agency is not a component unit the of the City as was the case with the former Redevelopment Agency, but is accounted for in a Private Purpose Trust Fund in the Fiduciary Funds segment of the financial reports.