Public Works Permits

A public works permit refers to a legal authorization granted by the City of Pinole that allows individuals, organizations, or businesses to carry out construction, repairs, or other activities on public property or within the public right-of-way (ROW).

These permits are required to ensure that any work done in public areas complies with safety regulations, zoning laws, and other local ordinances. Examples of activities that might require a public works permit include, but are not limited to, driveways, driveway approaches, fences, grading work, road construction, sewer lateral repairs, sidewalk drains, sidewalk repairs, stairs to the sidewalks, utility installations, walls, walkways to the public right-of-way, and landscaping projects that affect public spaces.

Permit Types and Requirements

Review Process

The Department of Public Works will review your application and verify if all required documents have been submitted. If are missing any document(s) we will not review the permit. You will receive an automated email that your application is incomplete or corrections are required through eTRAKiT. The status of your permit may also be found through eTRAKiT.

Once we have received all the required information. We will begin the review process. The review period will vary based on the permit types. Please note that the estimated review times listed below are estimates and may vary due to the number or applications or size of the project:

  • Encroachment Permit and Utility Encroachment Permit: One week – Eight weeks (varies on the size of the project)
  • Private Sewer Lateral Permit (including Sewer Lateral Video Reviews): One week – Two weeks.
  • Grading Permit: Two weeks – Eight Weeks
  • Transportation Permit: One week – Two weeks

If an expedited review and issuance is required additional fee will be applied.

Note: If work occurs prior to the issuance of a permit penalties fees may be applied.

City of Pinole issues Discharge Permits to businesses that have a temporary, non-standard wastewater discharge to the sewer system. In many cases, this permit authorizes the discharge at a specific location. Examples are: groundwater remediation discharge, dewatering operations at a construction site and pool, spa or fountain discharges. Special Discharge Permits may require the use of a pretreatment system and/or the sampling and analysis of the wastewater.

eTRAKiT Type

  • Discharge Permit

Requirements, Documentation and Attachments

We’ve provided a list below of what you’ll need to submit with your application when you apply online. Make sure to upload all of the required documents. If your application is not complete, this will extend the time it takes to issue your permit.

  • Application 
  • Detailed Site Plan
    A detailed plan shows the exact location, a more precise extent of the work zone, the work proposed and details of the improvements. Must include the sewer lateral clean out location and photo of where the discharge will occur.
  • Traffic Control Plan
    A Traffic Control Plan (TCP) is a document that shows temporary signs, cones, and flaggers to safely direct traffic around your work zone.  ‘Traffic’ includes vehicles, bicycles, pedestrians, and mobility devices such as wheelchairs. Temporary traffic control requirements, devices, and setups can be found in Part 6 of the CA Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD). Part 6 includes temporary traffic controls such as for work zones.  Chapter 6H provides typical applications or general setups.
  • Fees
    See Master Fee Schedule.

An Encroachment Permit is required for any construction activity work in the public right-of-way. This includes, but is not limited to, concrete flatwork (including driveway), roadway excavation, sidewalk excavation, storing/staging materials, and/or traffic control. An Encroachment Permit ensures that all applicable standards are followed and that work is done safely with minimal impact to nearby property, pedestrians, bicyclists, and motorist travel.

For more information regarding Grading permits please read City of Pinole Municipal Code §12 Streets and Sidewalks.

eTRAKiT Type

  • Encroachment Permit

Requirements, Documentation and Attachments

We’ve provided a list below of what you’ll need to submit with your application when you apply online. Make sure to upload all of the required documents. If your application is not complete, this will extend the time it takes to issue your permit.

  • Application 
  • Detailed Site Plan / Key Map
    A detailed plan shows the exact location, a more precise extent of the work zone, the work proposed and details of the improvements.A key map shows the general project location and approximate extent of the work zone.Underground utilities can be shown on the detailed plan or as a separate map. We use this to generally locate where subsurface utilities exist, and to avoid conflicts with existing facilities.
  • Traffic Control Plan
    A Traffic Control Plan (TCP) is a document that shows temporary signs, cones, and flaggers to safely direct traffic around your work zone.  ‘Traffic’ includes vehicles, bicycles, pedestrians, and mobility devices such as wheelchairs. Temporary traffic control requirements, devices, and setups can be found in Part 6 of the CA Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD). Part 6 includes temporary traffic controls such as for work zones.  Chapter 6H provides typical applications or general setups.
  • Standard Conditions and General Construction Standards
    City of Pinole Standard Conditions must be followed at all times. Pavement and trench restoration standards for projects in the right-of-way (ROW) are detailed in the City of Pinole Pavement Restoration Guidelines. The City of Pinole utilize various plans and specifications from other agencies and are as follows in the order of precedence:

    1. As noted by the City of Pinole in writing
    2. Current Caltrans Standard Specifications and Standard Plans
    3. Contra Costa County Standard Plans
  • Fees
    See Master Fee Schedule.

Grading permits are reviewed for compliance with development requirements, and to conform to planning and building permit approvals. Project schedule, geotechnical reports, truck traffic & routing, staging plan, environmental concerns and any special conditions may all be required and reviewed.

A Grading Permit is required for all work that includes, but not limited to, any of the following:

  • The excavation or removal of fifty cubic yards of earth or rock from the surface layers of the ground; and/or a depth of four feet or more.
  • The slope of the cut is more than a two foot horizontal to one foot vertical.
  • The fill of fifty cubic yards or more of earth or other material; and/or height of four feet or more.
  • The slope of the fill embankment face is two feet horizontal to one foot vertical or less.
  • Existing drainage patterns are altered.
  • Major agricultural land leveling when the change in elevation is three feet or more.
  • The movement or transportation of earth around, along, over, or on the surface of the ground.
  • The deposition, placement, or compaction of earth materials for the construction of embankments.
  • The clearing of vegetation.
    • The slope of the ground is sloping more than ten percent.
    • The area to be cleared is an acre or more.

Note: No land disturbance is allowed within one hundred feet of a watercourse or water body.

For more information regarding Grading permits please read City of Pinole Municipal Code §15.36 Excavation, Grading, and Earthwork Construction.

eTRAKiT Type

  • Grading Permit

Requirements, Documentation and Attachments

We’ve provided a list below of what you’ll need to submit with your application when you apply online. Make sure to upload all of the required documents. If your application is not complete, this will extend the time it takes to issue your permit.

  • Application
  • Insurance
    All contractors working within the right-of-way shall procure and maintain for the duration of the work insurance against claims from injuries to persons or damages to property which may arise from the performance of work. Policy must name the city of Pinole, its elected officials, officers, boards, commissions, employees, and agents are additional insured and provide for a thirty-day notice of cancellation. The Contractor is required to maintain workers’ compensation insurance as required by the state of California and employer’s liability insurance. The contractor shall maintain limits no less than:

    1. General Liability: $2,000,000 per occurrence for bodily injury, personal injury and property damage including operations, products and completed operations, as applicable. If commercial general liability insurance or other form with general aggregate limit is used, either the general aggregate limit shall apply separately to this project/location or the general aggregate limit shall be twice the required occurrence limit.
    2. Auto Liability: $2,000,000 per accident for bodily injury and property damage.
    3. Employer’s Liability: $1,000,000 per accident for bodily injury or disease.
  • Detailed Site Plan / Key Map
    A. The grading plans, 24” x 36” prepared and signed by a civil engineer shall contain the following information.

    1. A vicinity map showing the location of the work.
    2. The property line boundary of the site.
    3. All existing improvements on and adjacent to the property.
    4. The existing and proposed contours of the site. The minimum contour interval shall be one foot or less for slopes five percent or flatter, and five feet or less for slopes steeper than five percent. The contour interval shall be small enough to clearly show the drainage pattern of the site.
    5. The existing and proposed drainage.
    6. The extent and manner of the cutting of trees and the clearing of vegetation, the disposal of same, and the measures to be taken for the protection of undisturbed trees and vegetation, unless this information is shown on an erosion and sediment control plan.
    7. Any other information required by the director of public services.

    B. Runoff calculations must be submitted with the grading plan.

    1. Maximum runoff shall be computed using the rational method. The rainfall intensity-duration cure contained in the Pinole 5-year Facility Plan, Dated 1975, or a similar curve approved by the director of public services shall be used in the computation.
    2. Runoff design shall accommodate the full and anticipated future development within the drainage area.
    3. Drainage channels having a drainage area of four-square miles or more shall be designed to contain a fifty-year frequency of occurrence runoff. Drainage channels having a drainage area of less than four square miles and more than one square mile shall be designed to contain a twenty-five-year frequency of occurrence runoff. Drainage channels having a drainage area of one square mile or less shall be designed to contain a ten-year frequency of occurrence runoff.
  • Erosion and Sediment Control Plans
    A. A final erosion and sediment control plan, prepared by a registered civil engineer, shall be submitted unless all of the following conditions are met:

    1. The site is less than one-quarter of an acre in area and there is less than one hundred fifty cubic yards of excavation or fill;
    2. The provisions for runoff control are in accordance with the provisions of this chapter and are acceptable to the director of public services;
    3. The average slope of the site before grading is less than fifteen percent;
    4. The proposed grading does not pose a threat to adjacent or downstream properties as determined by the director of public services;
    5. The proposed grading does not obstruct drainage channels;
    6. The proposed grading is deemed to have no significant environmental impact as determined pursuant to the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act, as amended, and the regulations promulgated by the California Resources Agency and the Pinole city council to implement said Act.

    B. The final erosion and sediment control plan must effectively minimize soil erosion and sedimentation from-the completed project site and must also provide for the control of runoff from the site.

    C. The final and interim erosion and sediment control plans shall contain the following information:

    1. A description and delineation of the vegetative measures to be taken to minimize erosion and sedimentation.
    2. A description and delineation of the temporary and permanent measures to be taken to protect manufactured or disturbed slopes from erosion by mechanical means such as with mulches, diversion dikes, etc.
    3. The delineation of the drainage control measures to be taken which shall include surface runoff and sediment yield calculations.
    4. The extent and manner of the cutting of trees and the clearing of vegetation, the disposal of same, and the measures to be taken for the protection of undisturbed trees and vegetation.
    5. The methods to be used for the disposal of excess materials.
    6. The methods to be used for the control of dust.
    7. A description and delineation of the temporary and permanent measures to be taken to retain sediment on the site.
    8. A description of the measures to be taken to maintain the devices shown on the plan during grading operations and construction on the site.
    9. The extent of disturbed ground that will exist, what streets will be paved, and what drainage devices will be installed prior to the start of each rainy season.
    10. Any other information required by the director of public services.
    11. Schedule for installation and maintenance of erosion and sediment control measures.

    D. The Erosion and Sediment Control Handbook should be used as a guide as to what measures should be taken for any particular set of circumstances.

    E. An interim erosion and sediment control plan is required prior to each rainy season during construction for a project for which a final erosion and sediment control plan is required by this chapter. The city will determine by July 15th if an interim plan will be necessary and on what stage of project completion the plan shall be based. The plan must be submitted in a timely manner thereafter to allow the city to review and approve the plan prior to September 1st. The measures delineated and described in the plan must be operational prior to October 1st.

    F. An estimate of the cost of accomplishing the work described and delineated on the final and interim erosion and sediment control plans and the permit must be submitted in a form which is acceptable to the director of public services.

    G. Rainy season work may be authorized by the public services director if erosion and sediment control measures are installed and functioning.

  • Traffic Control Plan
    A Traffic Control Plan (TCP) is a document that shows temporary signs, cones, and flaggers to safely direct traffic around your work zone.  ‘Traffic’ includes vehicles, bicycles, pedestrians, and mobility devices such as wheelchairs.Temporary traffic control requirements, devices, and setups can be found in Part 6 of the CA Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD).Part 6 includes temporary traffic controls such as for work zones.  Chapter 6H provides typical applications or general setups.
  • City of Pinole Business License
    A City of Pinole business license is required prior to the start of work. To apply or renew your business license, please visit Business Licenses, Permits and Inspections.
  • Fees
    See Master Fee Schedule.

A Private Sewer Lateral Permit may be required as a requirement to obtain a building permit, please verify with public works staff. This permit is also required for all work that includes, but not limited to, any of the following:

  • Spot repairs
  • Sewer lateral replacements
    • Upper Lateral: From the cleanout to the end of the property line
    • Lower Lateral: From the end of the property line to the city sewer main
    • Full Lateral: The combination of the upper and lower laterals
  • New sewer lateral connections (i.e. Construction of an Additional Dwelling Unit)
  • Installation of a clean out
  • Sewer lateral video reviews (Note: A video submission is required for all properties since 2022)

Note: No permit required for the installation of a backflow prevention device / overflow protection device; however, the applicant must submit photo or video proof of installation to obtain a sewer certificate. This permit includes any excavation within the public right-of-way.

More information regarding private sewer laterals can be found by visiting our Sanitary Sewer Lateral page. For more information regarding the City of Pinole’s Municipal Code regarding sanitary sewer laterals can be found by reading §13.20 Sanitary Sewer Laterals.

eTRAKiT Type

  • Private Sewer Lateral Permit

eTRAKiT Sub-Types

The listed subtypes are to indicate the type of work that is being conducted.

  • Sewer Lateral Video Review
  • Full Lateral Replacement
  • Lower Lateral Repair or Replacement
  • Upper Lateral Repair or Replacement

Requirements, Documentation and Attachments

We’ve provided a list below of what you’ll need to submit with your application when you apply online. Make sure to upload all of the required documents. If your application is not complete, this will extend the time it takes to issue your permit.

  • Sewer Lateral Video Review Application or Sewer Permit Application
  • Detailed Site Plan / Key Map
    A detailed plan shows the exact location, a more precise extent of the work zone, the work proposed and details of the improvements.
    A key map shows the general project location and approximate extent of the work zone.
    Underground utilities can be shown on the detailed plan or as a separate map. We use this to generally locate where subsurface utilities exist, and to avoid conflicts with existing facilities.
  • Insurance
    All contractors working within the right-of-way shall procure and maintain for the duration of the work insurance against claims from injuries to persons or damages to property which may arise from the performance of work. Policy must name the city of Pinole, its elected officials, officers, boards, commissions, employees, and agents are additional insured and provide for a thirty-day notice of cancellation. The Contractor is required to maintain workers’ compensation insurance as required by the state of California and employer’s liability insurance. The contractor shall maintain limits no less than:

    1. General Liability: $2,000,000 per occurrence for bodily injury, personal injury and property damage including operations, products and completed operations, as applicable. If commercial general liability insurance or other form with general aggregate limit is used, either the general aggregate limit shall apply separately to this project/location or the general aggregate limit shall be twice the required occurrence limit.
    2. Auto Liability: $2,000,000 per accident for bodily injury and property damage.
    3. Employer’s Liability: $1,000,000 per accident for bodily injury or disease.
  • Traffic Control Plan
    A Traffic Control Plan (TCP) is a document that shows temporary signs, cones, and flaggers to safely direct traffic around your work zone.  ‘Traffic’ includes vehicles, bicycles, pedestrians, and mobility devices such as wheelchairs.
    Temporary traffic control requirements, devices, and setups can be found in Part 6 of the CA Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD).
    Part 6 includes temporary traffic controls such as for work zones.  Chapter 6H provides typical applications or general setups.
  • Standard Conditions and General Construction Standards
    City of Pinole Standard Conditions must be followed at all times. Pavement and trench restoration standards for projects in the right-of-way (ROW) are detailed in the City of Pinole Pavement Restoration Guidelines.The City of Pinole utilize various plans and specifications from other agencies and are as follows in the order of precedence:General Construction Standards

    1. As noted by the City of Pinole in writing
    2. Current Caltrans Standard Specifications and Standard Plans
    3. Contra Costa County Standard Plans

    Sewer Construction Standards

    1. As noted by the City of Pinole in writing
    2. Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Standard Specification, Drawings, and Approved Materials
  • City of Pinole Business License
    A City of Pinole business license is required prior to the start of work. To apply or renew your business license, please visit Business Licenses, Permits and Inspections.
  • Fees
    See Master Fee Schedule.


A Transportation Permit is required for all oversized loads traveling through the city of Pinole.

Single Trip Transportation Permit: Valid for a laden and unladen load per vehicle, single origin to single destination on one direction of travel. 3-5 working day duration.

Annual Transportation Permit: Valid for one year after issuance date of permit. Contractors are required to obtain one Annual Transportation Permit per vehicle per route. Contractors with multiple vehicles and routes must obtain multiple Annual Transportation Permits.

eTRAKiT Type

  • Transportation Permit

eTRAKiT Sub-Types

The listed subtypes are to indicate the type of work that is being conducted.

  • Single Trip
  • Annual
  • House Moving

Requirements, Documentation and Attachments

We’ve provided a list below of what you’ll need to submit with your application when you apply online. Make sure to upload all of the required documents. If your application is not complete, this will extend the time it takes to issue your permit.

A Utility Encroachment Permit is required for any construction or maintenance activity performed by a utility agency or their subcontractors in the public right-of-way. This includes, but is not limited to any of the following work: concrete flatwork (including driveway), roadway excavation, sidewalk excavation, traffic control, and/or utility pole replacements.

For more information regarding Utility Encroachment Permits please read City of Pinole Municipal Code §12 Streets and Sidewalks and §13.16 Underground Utilities.

eTRAKiT Type

  • Utility Encroachment Permit

eTRAKiT Sub-Types

The listed subtypes are to indicate the agency that work is being conducted for.

  • AT&T
  • Comcast
  • PG&E
  • Other

Requirements, Documentation and Attachments

We’ve provided a list below of what you’ll need to submit with your application when you apply online. Make sure to upload all of the required documents. If your application is not complete, this will extend the time it takes to issue your permit.

  • Application 
  • Detailed Site Plan / Key Map
    A detailed plan shows the exact location, a more precise extent of the work zone, the work proposed and details of the improvements. A key map shows the general project location and approximate extent of the work zone. Underground utilities can be shown on the detailed plan or as a separate map. We use this to generally locate where subsurface utilities exist, and to avoid conflicts with existing facilities.
  • Traffic Control Plan
    A Traffic Control Plan (TCP) is a document that shows temporary signs, cones, and flaggers to safely direct traffic around your work zone.  ‘Traffic’ includes vehicles, bicycles, pedestrians, and mobility devices such as wheelchairs. Temporary traffic control requirements, devices, and setups can be found in Part 6 of the CA Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD). Part 6 includes temporary traffic controls such as for work zones.  Chapter 6H provides typical applications or general setups.
  • Standard Conditions and General Construction Standards
    City of Pinole Standard Conditions must be followed at all times. Pavement and trench restoration standards for projects in the right-of-way (ROW) are detailed in the City of Pinole Pavement Restoration Guidelines. The City of Pinole utilize various plans and specifications from other agencies and are as follows in the order of precedence:

    1. As noted by the City of Pinole in writing
    2. Current Caltrans Standard Specifications and Standard Plans
    3. Contra Costa County Standard Plans
  • Fees
    See Master Fee Schedule.
Scheduling Inspections

Scheduling Inspections

A variety of inspections are required for all issued Public Works Permits in order to verify work done complies with applicable codes, city standards, and the scope of work matches the issued permit.

When is an Inspection Required?

All permits issued require a start of work notification and inspections during and at completion of the work. Scheduling inspections is the responsibility of the applicant/contractor.

Not all of the inspections listed in the document will apply to every job. If uncertain which inspections pertain, please check with Public Works Inspector.

How Do I Schedule, Reschedule or Cancel an Inspection?

Schedule, reschedule or cancel an inspection either online using eTRAKiT, or by text message. If assistance is needed, the Public Works Department can be reached at 510-724-9010.

Inspections on eTRAKiT

Scheduling Inspections

Login and start your request.
Find your project and start your request.

Under My Active Permits, select Request for the project you need an inspUnder My Active Permits, select Request for the project you need an inspection for. If you don’t see this option in the Inspections column that probably means your permit is not yet approved.ection for. If you don’t see this option in the Inspections column that probably means your permit is not yet approved.

Select the inspection type.

Pick the type of inspection you need from the list.

Select the date.

Select the date you want the inspection.

Submit your request.
  • Select Add Inspection. If you need more than 1 inspection, repeat the same process and select Add Inspection again.
  • Select Submit once you are ready to make your request.

Canceling Inspection

Login and start your request.
Find your project and your scheduled appointment date.
  • Under My Active Permits,  locate the appointment you’d like to cancel.
Cancel your appointment.
  • Click the red X icon next to your scheduled appointment.
  • A confirmation dialogue box will appear.
  • Confirm by clicking OK, or terminate this step by clicking Cancel.
  • You are now done with the cancellation process.
Inspections by Text Message


  • Text the following to 866-473-3524:
    • “SCHEDULE” to schedule an inspection
    • “CANCEL” to cancel an inspection
    • “RESCHEDULE” to reschedule an inspection
  • Follow the prompts.
  • Inspection requests require 24-hour notice.


  • You’ll need your Building Permit Number.
  • Text “CANCEL” to 866-473-3524
  • Follow the prompts.

When are Inspections Available?

  • Morning inspections are performed between 8:00 am – 12:00 pm  Monday through Thursday only.
  • Afternoon inspections are performed between 1:00 pm – 3:30 pm  Monday through Thursday only.
  • No appointment service for construction projects on Fridays.
  • To inquire about a more specific time of arrival for inspection, phone 510-724-9010.

What Should I Know Before Scheduling an Inspection?

  • You need to schedule inspections at least 48 hours in advance.
  • The cost of inspections are included in your permit fees. You do not need to pay again for inspections. Excessive amounts of reinspections may result in additional fees.
  • If you don’t get inspections, your permit could be revoked and you may need to stop your project.
  • Paper copies of the approved plans, permits and the inspection card must be on the job site and available to the inspector at the time of inspection. 
  • Make sure you are ready for your inspection before you schedule it. This means:
    • You’ve completed the scope of work for that inspection type. Partial inspections may be approved for larger project scopes. Contact us if you have questions about this.
    • There is access to the area of work, such as a secured ladder for a roof inspection.

How do I Receive Inspection Results?

Inspection results are available either online using eTRAKiT, or by text message. If assistance is needed, the Public Works Department can be reached at

View results on eTRAKiT

You may log in to your eTRAKiT account to view your inspection results.

Learn results by text message
  • Text “RESULTS” to 866-473-3524
  • You’ll need your Building Permit Number.
  • You’ll need the associated Inspection Code of the inspection you are calling to obtain results. Full list of codes are provided in the instruction document.
Create an Account

The City of Pinole has a new online permitting and licensing system called eTRAKiT. The first step is to create an account.


  • You need an email address to set up an account.
  • You need an account to apply for a permit.
  • Paper and email applications are no longer accepted for most permit types.


There are different steps depending on the type of user you are.

You need a Public account type if you are a:

  • Resident
  • Business owner
  • Design professional (licensed or unlicensed)
  • Permit facilitator/runner
  • Other authorized agent
  • Note: If you are working with a licensed contractor they can submit an application for you.

You will need a Contractor account type if you are a licensed contractor.

  • If you are a licensed contractor you will need your State license board number.
  • If you have an eTRAKiT account for another jurisdiction, it won’t work in Pinole. You’ll need to set up a new account with us.



Use this account type if you are a resident, business owner, design professional (licensed or unlicensed), or member of the public.

Visit the City of Pinole’s eTRAKiT website.

Visit eTRAKiT 

Select Setup an Account at the top of the page.

Select Public Registration.

Set up your user profile

Complete the required fields to set up your user profile.

Create a login name and password

Create a login name that uses letters and numbers only.

Create a password using 8 to 64 characters with:
-at least one number
-at least one lower and upper case letter
-at least one special character.
Note: Password is case sensitive

Security question

Choose a security question, enter and reenter the secret answer.

Create Account

Click “Create Account”

Public Account

Contractor Account

Use this account type if you are licensed contractor with a State license board number. To establish or access your account, first determine if you have ever done business with the City of Pinole before.

CONTRACTORS THAT HAVE DONE business with the City of Pinole in the past

If you have an application in progress or have received a permit from us in the past you may already be registered in the eTRAKiT system. Follow these instructions to access your account:

Visit eTRAKiT

Visit eTRAKiT

Click “Forgot Password”

Choose ‘Contractor”

Follow the instructions

Note: Your State License Number is both your User Name and your AEC Number

Not able to access your eTRAKiT account?

Staff needs to create your account.

  • Please complete the eTRAKIT Pre Registration Form for Contractors.
  • Within 72 business hours, the City will create an account for you based on information you provide in the form.
  • Staff will send you and email with instructions to access the account.
  • Once you’ve received the email, follow steps 1-4 above.
CONTRACTORS THAT HAVE NEVER NEVER done business with the City of Pinole:

If you have never done business with the City of Pinole, you can immediately set up an account using the following instructions:

Visit eTRAKiT

Visit eTRAKiT

Click “Setup an Account”

Choose “Contractor Registration”

Follow the instructions

Note: When prompted for an email address, please enter an email address that you wish to link with your contractor account.

  • It is very important that this email address remains accessible to you as the contractor.
  • This email will be used for tasks such as password recovery and other account management purposes.
  • Please note that all relevant information, including password recovery emails, will be sent directly to this address.
  • The City will not have access to any information sent for password recovery or other account related matters. 

Use this account type if you are licensed contractor with a State license board number. To establish or access your account, first determine if you have ever done business with the City of Pinole before.

Contractors that HAVE done business with the City of Pinole in the past

If you have an application in progress or have received a permit from us in the past you may already be registered in the eTRAKiT system. Follow these instructions to access your account:

Visit eTRAKiT

Visit eTRAKiT

Click “Forgot Password”

Choose ‘Contractor”

Follow the instructions

Note: Your State License Number is both your User Name and your AEC Number

Not able to access your eTRAKiT account?

Staff needs to create your account.

  • Please complete the eTRAKIT Pre Registration Form for Contractors.
  • Within 72 business hours, the City will create an account for you based on information you provide in the form.
  • Staff will send you and email with instructions to access the account.
  • Once you’ve received the email, follow steps 1-4 above.
Contractors that have NOT done business with the City of Pinole in the past

If you have never done business with the City of Pinole, you can immediately set up an account using the following instructions:

Visit eTRAKiT

Visit eTRAKiT

Click “Setup an Account”

Choose “Contractor Registration”

Follow the instructions

Note: When prompted for an email address, please enter an email address that you wish to link with your contractor account.

  • It is very important that this email address remains accessible to you as the contractor.
  • This email will be used for tasks such as password recovery and other account management purposes.
  • Please note that all relevant information, including password recovery emails, will be sent directly to this address.
  • The City will not have access to any information sent for password recovery or other account related matters. 


  • After you create an account, you can login and apply for your permit. When you login, you need to select the type of account you have.
  • If you forget your password, select Forgot Password at the top of eTRAKiT website and we will email you a new one.
  • If you need to update your address or contact information, login and select “View/Edit Profile”.


We are here to help ensure your project is a success. For questions:

  • Call 510-724-9010
  • Email
  • Visit us during office hours at 2131 Pear Street, Pinole