Former Redevelopment Agency

Townhomes during construction

As of February 1, 2012, redevelopment agencies in California were dissolved and replaced by successor agencies. This website contains historical information about the former Redevelopment Agency and will be used by the Successor Agency to provide information related to the dissolution and winding down of the Agency. 

Successor Agency

After the Pinole Redevelopment Agency was dissolved, a new agency called the Successor Agency was created. The Successor Agency is responsible for winding down the affairs of the former redevelopment agency, which includes disposing of their assets and making payments for enforceable obligations. 

Recognized Obligation Payment Schedule

Enforceable obligations include bonds, loans, payments required by governments (except pass-through payments), court judgments and settlements, legal contracts and agreements, and contracts necessary for continued administration. These payments are made according to a schedule called Recognized Obligation Payment Schedule (“ROPS”). View the annual ROPs online.

Housing Successor Agency

As part of the dissolution process, the City has taken over the former Agency’s affordable housing rights, powers, assets, liabilities, duties, and obligations (excluding any amounts in the Agency’s Low and Moderate Income Housing Fund). This transfer was completed through a Housing Asset Transfer Form approved by the Department of Finance on February 15, 2013. Health & Safety Code (“HSC”) Section 34176.1(f) requires housing successor agencies to prepare an annual report that details compliance with Senate Bill (“SB”) 341 (2013-14), Assembly Bill (“AB”) 1793 (2013-14), SB 107 (2015-16), and AB 346 (2017-18). These bills enacted requirements related to the expenditure of the Low and Moderate Income Housing Asset Funds (“Housing Asset Funds”) and development or disposition of properties transferred from former redevelopment agencies. The report is due to the California Department of Housing and Community Development (“HCD”) by April 1st annually. View the annual Housing Successor Reports below.

Fiscal Year CoveringReport
July 2023-2024Will be published April 2025
July 2022-June 2023FY 2022-23 Annual Housing Report
July 2021-June 2022FY 2021-22 Annual Housing Report
July 2020-June 2021FY 2020-21 Annual Housing Report
July 2019-June 2020FY 2019-20 Annual Housing Report
July 2018-June 2019FY 2018-19 Annual Housing Report
July 2017-June 2018FY 2017-18 Annual Housing Report
July 2016-June 2017FY 2016-17 Annual Housing Report

Long-Range Property Management Plan

In addition to the ROPS, the Successor Agency must also dispose of any and all real property of the former Redevelopment Agency. The Long Range Property Management Plan details the disposition and future use of such properties. The Agency was required to complete compensation agreements with the affected taxing entities prior to disposing of any real property. In October 2014, the Successor Agency submitted a Long Range Property Management Plan to the Oversight Board and Department of Finance. The plan was approved by the Department of Finance in November 2015. The Successor Agency, which is made up of the current Pinole City Council, is responsible for carrying out the actions outlined in the plan.

Affordable Unit Database (pursuant to AB 987)

Pursuant to State of California Assembly Bill (AB) 987, which became effective January 1, 2008, all redevelopment agencies are required to maintain a database of all affordable units receiving Housing Fund investments after that date.