Need to issue Refund?
Refunds can be applied to a valid (unexpired) card just as you would to a credit card.
Multiple POS systems, do I need to run a New Activation Card for Each?
Yes. Please run a new Activation Card on each POS.
Does it function as a ‘Pre-Paid’ credit card regarding Automatic Tipping Hold-Backs?
No. It can be redeemed for full value. You cannot do a “force post” to charge more than card value.
Since it’s Mastercard, can it be Redeemed Anywhere?
No. They can only be redeemed at our participating locations who have run their “Activation Cards.” If you changeyour POS […]
Transaction Declined?
eGift card will decline if you try to redeem more than the value of the card or any redemption information […]