Where can I find more information about obtaining a business license for rental properties?
You can view Business License Information on the City of Pinole’s website.
How can I apply for an exemption from the program?
To apply for an exemption, submit your Rental Inspection Exemption Form to KMarks@pinole.gov.
Are there any exemptions from the Residential Health and Safety Rental Inspection Program?
Yes, the following units are exempt:
How often are rental properties inspected?
Rental properties are inspected once every three years to ensure they comply with city ordinances and housing laws.
What is the inspection cancellation policy?
Inspection cancellations must be made at least 48 hours in advance. Cancellations made with less than 48 hours’ notice will […]
What are the requirements for rental property owners?
Every owner of rental property in the City must obtain a valid Certificate of Compliance and a Business License for […]
What is the Rental Inspection Ordinance?
The Rental Inspection Ordinance, Ord. No. 2006-01, was adopted by the Pinole City Council on April 4, 2006. It is […]
What is the Residential Health and Safety Rental Inspection Program?
The Residential Health and Safety Rental Inspection Program ensures that all rental units in the City of Pinole comply with […]