How do I extend my active Building Permit?
Every permit issued shall become expired unless the work on the site authorized by such permit is commenced within 12 […]
What type of Building Permit should I apply for based on the project I’d like to do?
Permits vary based on the type of work. Before applying, identify the permit you need and gather the necessary materials. […]
What is the refund policy for building permits?
The City of Pinole Building Official may authorize a refund of required permit fees as follows: Active Building PermitS Expired […]
How do I reactivate an expired permit?
Every permit issued shall become expired unless the work on the site authorized by such permit is commenced within 12 […]
When is an Inspection Required?
All permits issued require an inspection during and/or at completion of the work. Scheduling inspections is the responsibility of the […]
Why do I need a special inspection?
Section 1704.02 of the California Building Code states “Where application is made to the building official for construction as specified […]
Where can I view copies of permits or plans?
To inquire about permits or plans make a public records request through the City Clerk’s office.
How do I identify my property lines?
Property lines are established at the time a parcel is created. After permit final for structures that are built on […]
Do I need a Permit?
See “What Work Requires a Permit” in the General Building Permitting Requirementson this page.
Why should I get a permit?
Your home or business is an investment. If your construction project does not comply with the codes adopted by the […]