City Clerk
The City Clerk is an appointed officer of the City and is responsible to:
- Serve as the Election Official, and conducting City elections in compliance with the election laws of California;
- Monitor compliance with State and local campaign finance and conflict of interest laws, serve as the Filing Official and maintain Fair Political Practices Commission (FPPC) filings and logs;
- Preparation of the City Council and related subcommittees agenda packets and reports;
- Produce and maintain the official record of the City Council, Successor Agency to the Former Redevelopment Agency of the City of Pinole, the Oversight Board, and the Council Finance Subcommittee;
- Respond to Public Records requests and maximize public access to municipal government, as the official custodian and records manager of the City;
- Maintain a depository of contracts, agreements, and official Council actions; and insures the timely availability of these records to the City Council, public, other agencies and staff;
- Maintain and update the Pinole Municipal Code
- Administer liability claims
- Administer City board and commission recruitments
The City Clerk’s role is to serve as the elections official, legislative administrator and records manager for the City in an efficient, professional and friendly manner; to provide outstanding support to the Council; and to serve the citizens of Pinole as an accessible and responsive representative of transparent and open government.

Department head
Heather Bell
City Clerk